Wednesday Dec 15, 2021

Judy Rich, President & CEO, Tucson Medical Center

Judy Rich, President/CEO Tucson Medical Center, discusses her unique career path from nursing to President/CEO with host Nicole Gruebling. Judy tells of the highs and lows of her journey and gives practical insights on how others might be able to navigate their transition into a leadership role.


Guest speakers:

Judy Rich, RN, MSN


Tucson Medical Center



Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC

Vice President, Member Networks



Show Notes:

[01:02-1:55] What brought Judy to the CEO position in her unique career

[01:56-3:35] Experience as a nurse executive helping lead differently at the CEO level

[03:36-5:22] Mentorship, sponsorship and ally-ship

[05:23-6:50] Integrity and honesty, can’t be emphasized enough

[07:00-10:51] Most pivotal aspect for her successful career path and trajectory

[10:52-12:35] Biggest barrier she has had to overcome

[12:35-14:00] How nurse leaders bring themselves to the table differently moving forward

[14:01-15:50] Something about Judy others wouldn’t know and would surprise them

[15:51-16:40] Judy’s recommendation for people who are not sure if they have the possibility to lead


Links | Resources:

Judy Rich’s biographical information


Care to Lead’s email:


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