Wednesday Oct 20, 2021

Pat Patton, System Chief Nurse Executive, UCSF Health

Pat Patton, System Chief Nurse Executive at UCSF Health has a refreshing discussion with Dr. Nicole Gruebling, Vice President of Clinical Networks at Vizient. He says that everyone is a leader. In order to succeed you need to know the vernacular of health care and envision where you want your career to go. 


Guest speaker:

Pat Patton, DNP, MSN, RN

System Chief Nursing Executive, UCSF Health

Chief Nursing Officer for Adult Services, UCSF Medical Center



Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC

Associate Vice President, Member Connections



Show Notes:

[1:17]  Military career

[3:35] Pat tells his supervisor of his ambitions

[4:00] If you want to be a CNO, you have to understand the vernacular and global picture of health care

[5:47] Communication is key at home and at work

[8:00] Benefits of participating on a board, and how to be effective

[11:26] How nurses should think differently in the future

[12:30] Using the Vizient CNO Network to communicate with CNOs across the nation during COVID to helps make informed decisions  

[14:15] Develop a vision as a leader


Links | Resources:

Pat Patton’s biographical information


Care to Lead’s email:


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