Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Perry Gee, Nurse Scientist, Intermountain Health
Dr. Perry Gee is a leading expert in clinical informatics and is the first Nurse Scientist for Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake City. His focus and research positioned him into his current role to explore human kindness, compassion and burnout. In this episode he shares how he implemented the Stress First Aid program and crafted a Nurse Enterprise Wellbeing team at Intermountain Health.
Guest speakers:
Perry Gee, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Nurse Scientist
Intermountain Health
Barbara Seymour, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CPPS
Associate Vice President, Member Connections
Show Notes:
[1:02] Perry Gee’s role as a Nurse Scientist
[3:41] Burnout causing moral distress in the workplace
[5:30] How compassion fatigue impacts nurses’ interactions with patients and families
[7:47] The Stress First Aid program
[8:23] Implementing Stress First Aid at Intermountain Health
[10:11] The development of Nurse Enterprise Wellbeing Team
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