Care to Lead

Care to Lead is your path to success! Nursing leaders across a variety of settings and industries share their candid stories, how they help spur nursing innovation in their respective fields and what nurses in any stage of their career can do to shape the present and future of nursing. The podcast is hosted by Dr. Barbara Seymour and brought to you by the Vizient Chief Nurse Executives Network.

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Wednesday Nov 16, 2022

Dr. Mary Lou Sole is the Dean of the University of Central Florida, College of Nursing and is a certified critical care nurse specialist. She has three decades of experience researching the prevention of complications and improving outcomes of critically ill ventilated patients.
In this episode Dr. Sole discusses her career journey and shares her thoughts on nursing education and its future.
Speaker:Mary Lou Sole, PhD, RN, CCNS, CNL, FAAN, FCCMDean, College of NursingUniversity of Central FloridaOrlando Health Endowed Chair in Nursing,UCF Pegasus Professor
Moderator:Barbara Seymour, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CPPSAssociate Vice President, Member ConnectionsVizient
Show Notes:
[01:28] Dr. Sole discusses her position as the Dean of the College of Nursing at UCF and how her career evolved to this point.
[05:50] Dr. Sole talks about how she helps prepare nurses for professional practice.
[09:35] Changes in nursing education — what’s changed and what’s stayed the same
[13:03] Challenges Dr. Sole’s career path that she’s overcame and is learning to overcome. 
[15:19] The future of nursing and healthcare
[16:42] Advice for working with the new generation of nursing students
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Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

Dr. Ernest Grant is the 36th President of the American Nurses Association and is recognized as an international expert on burn care and fire safety. In this episode he discusses his path to nursing leadership, including how he developed a specialty in burn care, as well as his hopes for the future of the nursing profession.
Speaker:Ernest Grant, PhD, FAANPresidentAmerican Nurses Association
Moderator:Barbara Seymour, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CPPSAssociate Vice President, Member ConnectionsVizient
Show Notes:
[01:15] Dr. Grant discusses how he got into nursing and how he found his calling as an advocate for patients as well as for the nursing profession
[03:37] Dr. Grant describes the evolution of his expertise in burn care including crisis response after 9-11 and during the Afghan War
[08:53] Earning and advocating for his seat at the table in a profession dominated by women.
[10:54] Hopes for the future of nursing and healthcare
[14:33] Dr. Grant’s advice for those who are pursuing a path to nursing leadership
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Care to Lead - Season2

Monday Oct 17, 2022

Monday Oct 17, 2022

In Season 2 of Care to Lead, nursing leaders across a variety of settings and industries will share their leadership journey, how they help spur nursing innovation in their respective fields and what nurses in any stage of their career can do to shape the present and future of nursing.
Moderator:Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BCVice President, Member ConnectionsVizient
Season 2 Moderator:Barbara Seymour, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CPPSAssociate Vice President, Member ConnectionsVizient
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Wednesday Dec 15, 2021

Judy Rich, President/CEO Tucson Medical Center, discusses her unique career path from nursing to President/CEO with host Nicole Gruebling. Judy tells of the highs and lows of her journey and gives practical insights on how others might be able to navigate their transition into a leadership role.
Guest speakers:
Judy Rich, RN, MSN
Tucson Medical Center
Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Vice President, Member Networks
Show Notes:
[01:02-1:55] What brought Judy to the CEO position in her unique career
[01:56-3:35] Experience as a nurse executive helping lead differently at the CEO level
[03:36-5:22] Mentorship, sponsorship and ally-ship
[05:23-6:50] Integrity and honesty, can’t be emphasized enough
[07:00-10:51] Most pivotal aspect for her successful career path and trajectory
[10:52-12:35] Biggest barrier she has had to overcome
[12:35-14:00] How nurse leaders bring themselves to the table differently moving forward
[14:01-15:50] Something about Judy others wouldn’t know and would surprise them
[15:51-16:40] Judy’s recommendation for people who are not sure if they have the possibility to lead
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Wednesday Nov 17, 2021

Tracey Moffatt, System Chief Nursing Officer at Ochsner Health has a heart-felt discussion with Dr. Nicole Gruebling, Vice President of Clinical Networks at Vizient. Tracey believes curiosity, being open to change and problem-solving skills are key factors to her success as a nursing leader.  She says having your values and passion matching what you do professionally keeps you motivated.
Guest speaker:
Tracey Moffatt, MHA, BSN, RN
System Chief Nursing Officer and Senior Vice President Quality/Safety
Ochsner Health
Vice President, Louisiana State Board of Nursing
Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Vice President, Clinical Networks
Show Notes:
[1:14]  Tracey’s inspiration for entering health care
[2:40] “Every shadow has its light”
[3:50] What led Tracey to leadership roles
[7:18] Looking for nurses who are curious and problem solvers
[8:05] Moving to Sisters of Mercy Health’s Laredo, Texas campus was a turning point in Tracey’s career
[10:00] Positive changes in care resulting from pandemic experience
[11:05] Nursing shortages
[12:46] Listen to your staff
[17:07] Favorite book: Grit by Dr. Angela Duckworth
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Wednesday Oct 20, 2021

Pat Patton, System Chief Nurse Executive at UCSF Health has a refreshing discussion with Dr. Nicole Gruebling, Vice President of Clinical Networks at Vizient. He says that everyone is a leader. In order to succeed you need to know the vernacular of health care and envision where you want your career to go. 
Guest speaker:
Pat Patton, DNP, MSN, RN
System Chief Nursing Executive, UCSF Health
Chief Nursing Officer for Adult Services, UCSF Medical Center
Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Associate Vice President, Member Connections
Show Notes:
[1:17]  Military career
[3:35] Pat tells his supervisor of his ambitions
[4:00] If you want to be a CNO, you have to understand the vernacular and global picture of health care
[5:47] Communication is key at home and at work
[8:00] Benefits of participating on a board, and how to be effective
[11:26] How nurses should think differently in the future
[12:30] Using the Vizient CNO Network to communicate with CNOs across the nation during COVID to helps make informed decisions  
[14:15] Develop a vision as a leader
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Wednesday Sep 15, 2021

Anna J. Kiger, System Chief Nursing Officer at Sutter Health has a thoughtful discussion with Dr. Nicole Gruebling, associate vice president of Member Connections at Vizient. She discusses the importance of mentors, giving back to others and reflecting on your decisions. 
Guest speaker:
Anna J. Kiger, DNP, DSc, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL
System Chief Nursing Officer
Sutter Health
Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Associate Vice President, Member Connections
Show Notes:
[1:20] Dr. Kiger’s sister-in-law mentored and inspired her to become a nurse when she was in high school. 
[2:20] Dr. Kiger got into nursing to care of people at the worst of time and best of times. She says she has gotten more out of her career than she has given.  It’s important to give back to the patients, organization and colleagues.
[3:27] She is the first system chief nurse officer at Sutter Health. She has a supportive executive team and has been able to demonstrate to them what nurses can accomplish in patient care, collaboration with colleagues in the medicine, pharmacy and all of the ancillary departments.
[5:35] She had several partners to help elevate nurses at Sutter Health including Sutter Health’s CEO Sarah Krevans, her dyad partner, chief medical officer Dr. Steve Lockhart and leaders from every other sections of the health system.
[7:05] Dr. Kiger found her second mentor at her first job at West Virginia University, a clinician in the adult ICU.
[7:56] Leadership is something you learn every day. Dr. Kiger believes in The Benner philosophy where you start as a novice, learn, grow, test, learn again, relearn and eventually become an expert.
[10:34] With a nursing degree you can do a lot of different roles clinically and in different industries because nurses are problem solvers. 
[12:49] Moving forward after the pandemic it is critical to reflect about the experience and determine which solutions should remain operational such as telehealth, and plan what initial steps need to be taken when a similar crisis happens.
[15:55] Take time for work/life balance.
[16:39] Young leaders should seek out a mentor that they can talk to and learn from their experiences.
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Wednesday Aug 18, 2021

Carolyn Swinton, senior vice president and Chief Nursing Officer at Prisma Health has a sincere discussion with Dr. Nicole Gruebling, associate vice president of Member Connections at Vizient. Carolyn believes a successful leader brings their authentic self to the profession, partners and cares for others even when making tough decisions.
Guest speaker:
Carolyn Swinton, RN, MN, NEA-BC, FACHE
Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
Prisma Health
Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Associate Vice President, Member Connections
Show Notes:
[1:13] Being self-aware, authentic and caring about her team’s experience are all factors to Carolyn Swinton’s success. They pave the way for problem-solving, strategic visioning and for performance excellence.
[02:25] Courage happens over time on daily walks of big and little decision makings.
[03:55] Turning point in her career was when she participated in a nurse leader development fellowship. There she learned strengths and opportunities for improvement and became more intentional and focused on relationships and communications with colleagues.
[03:55] Example: When she was part of the leadership team, she found her voice to disagree with the organization when the discussions weren’t helpful for the nurses.  
[5:16] Carolyn’s mentor taught her the importance of love and leadership.
[5:16] Other lessons: help your team reach their full potential, make the tough decisions for the good of the organization and to make good on our commitment to the community.
[6:15] Leadership is creating in others a desire to follow, and then taking them to places they’ve never gone before. Sometimes helping people to be their best selves means you help them leave the organization.
[7:22] As a leader, your team members don’t work for you; you work for them.
[10:04] Nurses can’t do all the work alone. We must partner with physicians and administrative leaders.
[10:51] Nurses can have an equal voice at the executive level by being open-minded and interested in issues and concerns of other disciplines and partnering with those disciplines to create overall strategic initiatives.  
[11:44] Qualities of a good leader: humility, courage, heart, resilience, open mind and commitment to continuous learning and improvement.
[13:46] The pandemic has taught us to be comfortable with change and to look at different ways of doing business with new staffing models and flexible scheduling. Nursing leaders guide our work in a more intentional way.
[16:33] Bring your whole self to the nursing profession. If we commit to living a purposeful life, bringing our gifts forward we can make a difference in the world.
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Wednesday Jul 21, 2021

Debra Albert, senior vice president for patient care and chief nursing officer at NYU Langone Health has a heartfelt conversation with Dr. Nicole Gruebling, associate vice president of Member Connections at Vizient. Debra describes what it was like to transition to a new position at the height of the pandemic at an organization in its epicenter. She stresses the importance of knowing yourself and having the desire to serve others before you can truly commit to a career in nursing leadership.
 Guest speaker:
Debra Albert, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC
Senior Vice President for patient care and Chief Nursing Officer
NYU Langone Health
Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Associate Vice President, Member Connections
Show Notes:
[1:22] Transitioning to NYU Langone at the height of the pandemic
[01:36] A leader shows up, honors their commitment, and supports and helps others
[02:25] Instead of traditional onboarding, Debra observed the nurses and clinical teams do what they did best at the point of care
[02:25] Debra says leaders should provide structure and then get out of the way to let the clinicians do what they do best. Then celebrate and give voice to the teams’ successes.
[3:22] Now is the time to bring joy back into the workplace and remind ourselves about our ‘why’
[5:37] Two things were cornerstones to Debra’s career: First, her willingness to say ‘yes’ to experiences that took her out of her comfort zone. Second, her focus on hiring smart people that would work as a collaborative team.
[7:40] Debra learned that she is not the job - her sense of self and purpose in life is not her job or title.
[9:14] Self-assessment and commitment to nursing and nursing leadership makes a more impactful and effective leader because you know your motivation
[11:30] Changes in health care since the pandemic
[12:32] Nurse leaders need to think deeply how to continue to celebrate the profession of nursing in all care venues
[15:36] Know your motivation for being a nurse leader
[16:25] Be comfortable with being uncomfortable
[17:00] Spend every day trying to work your way out of a job
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Wednesday Jun 16, 2021

Ena Williams, senior vice president and chief nursing officer at Yale New Haven Hospital has a candid conversation with Dr. Nicole Gruebling, associate vice president of Member Connections at Vizient. They discuss Ena’s unique start in nursing in her native homeland of Jamaica and her surprising transition to nursing in the United States.  Ena describes occasions where she had to stand up for what she knew was right, and the leadership lessons she experienced as she did so. 
 Guest speaker:
Ena Williams, MSM, MBA, BSN, RN, CENP
Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
Yale New Haven Hospital
Nicole Gruebling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Associate Vice President, Member Connections
Show Notes:
[0:54] Ena started her career in Jamaica   
[01:20] Transferred to a small community hospital in Jamaica where she had to do everything – like a “SWAT” nurse
[02:42] Working in the United States is very different
[04:06] Ena is “shocked” when she experiences personal barriers because of the color of her skin   
[04:51] In Connecticut hospital recruiters told Ena that she wasn’t a “good fit” even though she was clearly overqualified
[06:00] Ena’s husband became a chaplain at Yale New Haven Hospital and convinced her to apply there
[06:51] Ena still experiences racial barriers, but realizes it is the individual, not the organization. She handles those issues with individual conversations
[09:17] Ena learned from a negative experience in a Jamaican operating room that true leaders stand up for what is right even at the risk of losing their job
[13:22] Influential people in Ena’s life
[16:20] Ena’s advice to aspiring nursing leaders
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